About Us


About Us

Amidst a world of sameness, we stand apart. We are the language services provider (LSP) that dares to be different.

Our journey began not out of a desire for profit or prestige but out of a calling to connect people across languages in a way never done before. We started as a scrappy team of linguists and tech geeks driven by a shared vision to break down communication barriers. Though we lacked deep pockets, we made up for it in heart.

Guided by our North Star – to enable understanding between all people – we pioneered new systems and processes that challenged the status quo. We tossed out one-size-fits-all models and got creative, crafting customized solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. We invested in rare language expertise that few could provide. We took bold risks, offering industry-first guarantees that raised eyebrows.

Along the way, we’ve weathered storms and celebrated breakthroughs. We’ve made mistakes and learned lessons. We’ve never stopped evolving. But through it all, we’ve stayed fiercely committed to our mission to connect the world through language.

At our core, we believe that words have power – the power to inform, influence, inspire and ignite change. We know that behind every translation is a story waiting to be told. Our role is to convey those stories accurately, artfully and ethically. We take this responsibility seriously.

In a world where much divides us, communication unites us. This is the heart of our narrative. We are the language services provider for the visionaries, the change-makers, the boundary-breakers. We give them the tools to share their ideas, dreams and innovations with people everywhere. We are their trusted guides on the journey to make their voices heard. This is our calling. 

This is our difference. We are the LSP brave enough to do things differently.